Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tips on Caring for Your Hair Extensions

You've invested the time and money and finally got your hair extensions. Taking care of them properly is the best way to keep them around and in good condition. With great care, your extensions can last up to six months. Here are some helpful hints to prolong the life of your hair extensions.

You should ask your stylist which products to use and then use the recommended products. When you first have the extensions put in, you should be given a set of care instructions. Follow them! There are specific products that are made for extensions, and using the proper products is one of the best ways to take care of your extensions.

Be particularly careful when your hair is wet. It is very important NOT to sleep on wet hair. Do not keep your hair wrapped in a moist or wet towel because this prevents hair from drying and can soften the bonds. Use mild formula shampoos and conditioners. It is important not to apply conditioner to the attachment points, as this too can soften the bonds and can cause them to fall out.

Don't let your extensions getting tangled in your hair. Try to brush your hair once or twice a day to remove tangles, and brush gently! Brush and braid your hair before going to bed.

Use heated styling appliances with caution. Check with your stylist to make sure you can use heated tools on your brand of extensions. The quality of synthetic extensions determines whether or not they can take heat. Always keep heat away from the bonds!

Go to your extension stylist if you want to color or re-style your hair. Do not dye your extensions at home. Do not use chemical processes, like perms, on your extensions at home. Chemical processes done at home can damage or ruin your extensions. The stylist should also take care of coloring your extensions.

By using these suggestions and talking to your stylist, your extensions should look great, and keep you looking great, too!

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