Friday, December 10, 2010

Getting a Healthy and Sun Kissed Look with Bronzer

A great way to look fresh and healthy is by using bronzer. Here are some tips for choosing and applying bronzers.

You must first start by choosing the best shade for your skin color. You want to create a sun-kissed and healthy look. If you are fair skinned, look for a bronzer with peach tones. A copper shade will look very natural for a medium complexion, and a chocolate shade will compliment a dark complexion.

Bronzers are available in liquid, powder, lotion and gel formulations. If you have oily skin, you should use a powder bronzer. Dry skin will do better with the liquids, lotions and gels. Combination skin will be able to use the liquid bronzers as well as the other formulas.

Now, the application can begin. You want to use a medium size powder brush.

Swirl the powder brush across the surface of the bronzer. For loose powder, dip your brush into the container.

Tap off excess powder.

Dot the powder onto your forehead, nose, chin and the apples of your cheeks.

Using the brush, blend the bronzer all over your face.

Dot an extra amount onto the key areas of the nose, chin and forehead again. Gently blend the powder into these areas, which are naturally bronzed when out in the sun.

Swirl the larger powder brush into the bronzer, and quickly blend starting from your jaw line down toward your neck. This will ensure that you don't have different color on the skin between your face and neck.

Now, you can head out with a healthy and sub-kissed glow on your face, and there are no harmful effects from the sun. People will wonder where you've been. Shhhhh.....we won't tell.

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